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Catholic Daughters of Catholic Mothers is the Perfect Mother’s Day Gift
The Complications of Mother Daughter Relationships
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Have you written a book about your life? Do you want to share it with the world? We are currently seeking memoirs, a great way to leave your legacy.
Children's Books
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Featured Memoir
Catholic Daughters of Catholic Mothers
by Dr. Martha Lucas
Join a nostalgic romp through a Catholic upbringing. This guided journal is a witty and poignant view of life for those growing up during the Vatican II era. And it even resonates for those who have only seen a nun or a priest in movies.
Follow along as Dr. Martha Lucas highlights a generation of Catholic daughters, as well as just daughters, of mothers devoted to their church. Whether or not you grew up in an atmosphere laced with cultural and religious traditions, this thought-provoking introspection will have you laughing and crying from start to finish.