If you keep a daily journal, where you spill thoughts and track progress on your various projects, there are three items you should add to help increase your productivity. These items are quick and easy to add at the beginning of your journal each day. And they all provide a little kick in the butt to keep your goals on track.
1. Note the Week # and Day #
I bet that at the beginning of each new day, the first thing you add to your journal is the date. Or maybe it’s already there, waiting for you. Noting the date is a habit, and we sometimes give it little thought other than it’s #TacoTueday, #WineWednesday, or #TGIF. So, here’s a little something to keep you focused. Below the month, day and year, try adding the week number (1-52) and day number (1-365). Both represent milestones toward fulfilling your annual goals. Looking at week 26, halfway through the year, forces you to face your progress more than entering July, a fun summer month filled with vacations and visits to the zoo with kids.
2. Yesterday’s Failures and Today’s Focus

Yes, I used the word “failures.” After all, how can you improve in life without considering your failures and weaknesses? So, for this one, include things like what didn’t work, what you didn’t finish, and anything else that didn’t go your way in a sentence or two. That’s really all you need because writing half a page or more of the negative things is no way to start a day. Instead, move on to include your focus for the day and how you might remedy past obstacles. Add a few ideas on how you can have a successful day. Maybe set an intention to complete tasks you’ve been avoiding. Keep it short and concise.
3. Must Complete Tasks
Every single day, focus on three tasks that you must complete. These tasks can encompass anything from attending a class to checking an item off your procrastination list. Set your focus as aggressive as you like or spend the day caring for yourself. These tasks are not a catch-up list. “Must complete” tasks should keep you balanced in life and career. Once you’ve finished these items, you should feel as if you’ve accomplished something important.
Now you’re ready to journal and plan the other parts of your day. Address that never-ending task list, packed meeting schedule, ideas that need planning, and whatever else you need to do.

I am the founder of ArmLin House, as well as the Chief Editor and Creative Director. For over thirty-five year, I’ve worked in technology, business development, marketing, writing, and publishing jobs. In the last 5 years I’ve returned to school and have become a graphic designer and social media video editor. In general, I have A LOT of experience in A LOT of industries and I love to help people, which is one of our main missions as a company. Learn more about me on my LinkedIn page.