We provide a number of coaching services to help you produce media and/or promote your business. Below are the areas in which we can help you excel in whatever your publishing/production needs happen to be. Start by booking a one-hour session with a coach for $25 to assess your needs.
Business Author Boot Camp: We coach business owners on how to write a business book that educates readers on your area of expertise and represents your products and services in a way that will increase your clientele and customers. Attend with other business owners during one of our scheduled courses or work independently with a coach on your own time.
Publishing: We coach authors ready to self-publish any type of book. We can help you understand what you'll need to do from professional editing through to publishing with book distributors. We can do the work for you or help you do it yourself through our checklist system.
Amazon Advertising: A little freaked out about advertising your book on Amazon? Sure, they have all those training courses, but they can be overwhelming if you're first starting Amazon Ads. We can help you build your ads, better understand how keywords will work for your genre, and understand how to track ad progress.
Illustrated Book Specifications: If you are an author looking for an illustrator for your book, there are a number of technical specifications you need to understand to make sure the artist does the job right from the start. Having your illustrations done correctly will save you money later, when it's time to incorporate your story text and format your book. This coaching opportunity is also open to artists who need to ensure they are creating illustrations that meet the needs of book distributors.
Social Media Promotion: Our coaches are experts on social media promotions whether you need help understanding the best post/video compositions for your media, how to run ads, or the best way to track reach. We keep up on trends so you can focus on your business or media productions.
To better understand how we can help you, sign up for our NEWSLETTER below or visit our BLOG. When you are ready for a coach, go to the Schedule a Consultation page to tell us how we can help.