Author Interview with Hayde Romero, Author of an Upcoming Memoir & the Mimi and Lulu Adventures

I'd like to welcome Hayde Romero to our family of authors. While Hayde has written and published other books including the children's book, The Adventures of Mimi and Lulu, she has joined us to help her write and publish her memoir. She answered a few questions for us so you can get to know her better.

Q: If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you/ Why?

A: Becky G will definitely play me as the lead role. She is talented, gorgeous and Mexican. From what I know of her, I feel like both our backgrounds are similar. We both grew up in a tight knit Mexican family with one dream in mind. To be successful. With success comes money. And with money we can help our parents financially. I attended one of her concerts last year, where she said she started singing to help her family financially. That’s always been my goal. It has been my mantra since I was little. Make money to help my family. I think Becky G would be perfect. 

Q: What are your passions in regards to giving back to the community and/or world?

A: I have a close relationship with my dad. He has been a hard worker all his life. I’ve witnessed how hard he has worked over the years for his family by working blue collar jobs that barely got us through when me and my siblings were young. When I see street vendors, I see my dad in them. I see the hard work they’re doing to bring home food to their families. And every time, I wish I had stacks of money to give out.

Q: Who are your favorite authors?

A: My favorite author is Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre is my favorite book. Charlotte was so ahead of her time. I love reading the strong female voices she created. I do also enjoy a nice Nicholas Sparks novel, though. 

Q: Do you remember writing as a child or did the writing bug come later?

A:  I wasn’t able to speak English until I was in fourth grade. I could barely speak the language let alone write it. The only memory I have of writing and actually enjoying it was an assignment in high school. Every day we were supposed to write in a journal based on the character Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter. It was free writing which I enjoyed quite a bit. 

Q: What’s your writing schedule like?

A: Most of my writing is done at night when my girls are asleep. I’ve tried writing while they’re awake but their tiny hands are drawn to my keyboard. I typically write in a notebook instead of a computer.

Q: Tell us more about The Adventures of Mimi and Lulu and what drove your to write it.

A: One morning, I woke up with an idea to write a short children’s book. I didn’t struggle much to write it. The stories simply flowed in my mind. This book consists of two short stories. I came up with a third one but due to the financial expense, I was only able to pay the illustrator for two of the stories. Since I was self-published, I hired the awesome illustrator, Lauren Curtis. The Adventures of Mimi and Lulu is available on Amazon.

Thanks to Hayde for taking the time to tell us more about herself. Her memoir, about the loss of one of her daughters will release in 2025. If you'd like to know more about her and her upcoming memoir, follow the links below.

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