How a Song Writer Inspired a Story Writer

Today, I decided to share a paper I wrote a few years ago, when I returned to college for a short time. Surprisingly, I had to retake an English class because it had been too many years since I’d had one. I could have challenged the class, but I thought it might be fun to retake it. What’s funny is that they were willing to accept credits for English classes that are much more complicated. … Read more

How to Standardize the Punctuation in a Manuscript Before Submitting or Formatting Your Book

In a previous post, I showed you how to Remove The Extra Sections, Breaks, and Spaces Before Submitting or Formatting Your Book. This is not the only messy situation you might encounter in your manuscript. Your punctuation can be just as inconsistent, which causes major issues when formatting your book. Plus, your book looks sloppy, and sloppy books get bad reviews. Below is an example of inconsistent punctuation. Forgive my pathetic use of ellipsis and … Read more

Automatic Targeting Ads for Books with Amazon Advertising’s Sponsored Ads

Sponsored Products ads are the type of Amazon ad that authors use to create book ads. Automatic Targeting is one of the ad types, and it is the easiest ad to create. Because automatic targeted ads require little to no planning, these are the perfect starter ads for authors new to advertising on Amazon. It is important to note that automatic targeting is one of the least effective ads because you have little control over … Read more

4 Ways to Login and Access Amazon Ads

Amazon makes it easy for you to access their ads platform from a number of places. The Amazon Advertising dashboard is where you will create new ads and manage existing ads. In this checklist you will access the website and set up your account for the first time. There are also instructions on how to access Amazon Advertising from KDP and Author central. Amazon Ads Website In this section you will access and set … Read more

You Don’t Need a KDP Account to Manage Amazon Ads for Your Books

Amazon Author Central Reports and Marketing Option

If you have an Amazon Author Central account, you’ve probably seen an Amazon Advertising box in the Reports + Marketing section. This is a perfect option for traditionally published authors who don’t have a KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) account. And it’s quite essential for an author to have an Amazon Advertising account because, as you’ll hear me say over and over again, you won’t sell books on Amazon unless you advertise. You might be afraid … Read more

5 Reasons Author Central is an Essential Part of Your Author Presence in the Amazon Bookstore

Do you want readers to buy your books? Of course you do. Then don’t just put your books in bookstores, put yourself out there too. Amazon’s Author Central brings both you and your books together in one place that you control. Besides introducing you to Amazon’s customer base, it encourages readers to buy more of your books, and here’s how. 1. Author Follows Amazon is invested in understanding their customers’ preferences because it results in … Read more

Manuscripts Are A Dirty Business: Remove The Extra Sections, Breaks, and Spaces Before Submitting or Formatting Your Book

Let’s face facts. It’s hard enough to write a book, let alone keep the manuscript file clean. Eventually you find yourself with an edited book that you want to submit to agents or self-publish, but there’s all kinds of extra line breaks, spaces, tabs and other inconsistencies that make your manuscript look like a giant mess. Sure, you can turn it over to a book formatter, but the up front work to clean up the … Read more

The Remaking of a Fiction Series and Why You Should Consider Remaking Your Series

I write a fiction series, currently titled The Courier under the pen name Winnie Jean Howard, but I’m changing the series name to Angels Dark and Dumb. Why, you ask? Because the series title doesn’t speak to the actual series’ genre/sub-genres. Yes, the main character is a courier, and he continues to transport otherworldly things and beings in the series, but The Courier doesn’t speak to the fantasy, paranormal, and comedy side of the series. … Read more

Missing Fonts While Placing Text in Adobe InDesign: Resolve the Issue by Changing the Default Font

The missing fonts issue in InDesign, which I originally encountered while placing text from an external document file, is a well known problem, or possibly it works as designed, although poorly if you ask me. Regardless, and as annoying as it is, there is a quick fix. I mainly use a Window’s machine, so the instructions below are for that operating system. The Problem of Missing Fonts in InDesign Per my opening complaint, does the … Read more

Got EPUB and Paper Book Formatting Questions? ArmLin House Can Help

From the very beginning of self-publishing, formatting books has been one of my favorite things to do…like a hobby. I first learned the eBook process by writing the HTML and XML that encompass a book you can read on an eReader. After working in tech jobs for the early part of my career, it was a given that I’d delve deep into the guts of an eBook before learning any other method or tool to … Read more